Seale facing forward, smiling, brown hair, black shirt

Layla Seale

Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History
Department of Art History

Art Building, Room 270E



About Dr. Seale

Layla Seale received a B.A. in art history from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Fla., and an M.A. from American University in Washington, D.C. In 202, Seale earned a Ph.D. in art history, specializing in Medieval and early modern art history from Rice University, Houston, Texas. She served as the 2017-2019 Kress Foundation Institutional Fellow at Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society in Leiden, The Netherlands. Her doctoral dissertation examines representations of Hell, devils, and demons within 15th-century Northern European painting and illuminated manuscripts. Specifically, her project investigates images of demon bodies and behaviors that convey the complex intelligence, sexualities, and personalities of devils. By combining visual analysis and historical context with recent theories of animal studies, posthumanism, and monsters theory, she hopes to shed new light on demons and devils within the late medieval imagination.

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